Areas in Malaysia | 1st 500gm | 501gm - 1kg | 1.1kg - 3kg | 3.1kg - 10kg |
West Malaysia | RM6.00 | RM10.00 | RM15.00 | RM20.00 |
1st 500gm | 501gm - 1kg | 1.1kg - 2kg | 2.1kg - 3kg | |
Sabah / Sarawak | RM10.00 | RM20.00 | RM25.00 | RM45.00 |
We ship internationally. The delivery time is 7-12 working days depend on destination. Charges of shipping includes postage, insurance, and register slip. We will confirm the shipping charges after you submit your order. Or you can email us beforehand to verify the charges.